maintaining voltageの例文


  1. As a lamp gets older, the maintaining voltage for the arc eventually rises to exceed the maximum voltage output by the electrical ballast.
  2. The voltage across the bulb drops to a lower voltage called the " maintaining voltage " " V " m.
  3. The bulb will continue to conduct current until the applied voltage drops below the " extinction voltage " " V " e " ( point d ) ", which is usually close to the maintaining voltage.
  4. All neurons are electrically excitable, maintaining voltage gradients across their ion pumps, which combine with ion channels embedded in the membrane to generate intracellular-versus-extracellular concentration differences of ions such as sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium.


  1. "maintaining stability"の例文
  2. "maintaining sustained economic growth"の例文
  3. "maintaining tension"の例文
  4. "maintaining the value of blocked funds"の例文
  5. "maintaining viable"の例文
  6. "maintaining webs"の例文
  7. "maintaining well"の例文
  8. "maintainment"の例文
  9. "maintainor"の例文
  10. "maintains"の例文
  11. "maintaining the value of blocked funds"の例文
  12. "maintaining viable"の例文
  13. "maintaining webs"の例文
  14. "maintaining well"の例文

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