

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Ayub Khan, but were defeated at the Battle of Maiwand.
  2. He plays as a forward and has played football with Maiwand Kabul FC since 2003.
  3. To the west of Kandahar lies another former base from the war against the Soviets _ Maiwand.
  4. In 1880, the unit took part in the Battle of Maiwand during the Second Afghan War.
  5. Heaps of concrete slabs and twisted reinforcement rods clutter the sides of the capital's Jaday Maiwand Avenue.


  1. "maivatn"の例文
  2. "maivia"の例文
  3. "maiviken"の例文
  4. "maiwa"の例文
  5. "maiwald"の例文
  6. "maiwand district"の例文
  7. "maiwand kabul"の例文
  8. "maiwand kabul fc"の例文
  9. "maiwand lion"の例文
  10. "maiwandwal"の例文
  11. "maiwa"の例文
  12. "maiwald"の例文
  13. "maiwand district"の例文
  14. "maiwand kabul"の例文

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