

  1. The Maiwoche in Herdecke is also an annual public festival.
  2. Alongside typical dishes and drinks from the Harz region there are a number of offerings for tourists at the Maiwoche.
  3. More than 600, 000 people attended the Maiwoche in Osnabr點k in 2007 ( which took place from 11  20 May ).
  4. The envoy's specific duties are numerous : translating, giving talks and presentations to local societies and schools, finding pen friends and short-term host families during work placements, working in day-to-day contact to assist groups who want to get involved in twinning by identifying and approaching possible counterparts, planning the Derby Day at the annual Maiwoche ( May Week ) festival, and many more.


  1. "maiwandwal"の例文
  2. "maiwein"の例文
  3. "maiwen"の例文
  4. "maiwenn"の例文
  5. "maiwenn le besco"の例文
  6. "maiworm"の例文
  7. "maiwut"の例文
  8. "maixent"の例文
  9. "maixner"の例文
  10. "maiya"の例文
  11. "maiwenn"の例文
  12. "maiwenn le besco"の例文
  13. "maiworm"の例文
  14. "maiwut"の例文

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