majority stockholdersの例文


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  1. KPN became a majority stockholder of iBasis as part of the transaction.
  2. Its majority stockholder is the Government of Romania, which owns 70.01 %.
  3. Branson, who is Virgin's chairman and majority stockholder, has even bigger plans.
  4. By 1941 he and his family were majority stockholders of Prince.
  5. In 2002, ClearBlue Technologies, Inc . replaced CMGI as NaviSite s majority stockholder.


  1. "majority shareholding"の例文
  2. "majority snp government"の例文
  3. "majority society party"の例文
  4. "majority stake"の例文
  5. "majority stockholder"の例文
  6. "majority system"の例文
  7. "majority text"の例文
  8. "majority tyranny"の例文
  9. "majority verdict"の例文
  10. "majority view"の例文
  11. "majority stake"の例文
  12. "majority stockholder"の例文
  13. "majority system"の例文
  14. "majority text"の例文

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