management sciencesの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. This model has been widely influential in marketing and management science.
  2. Simply defining " trust " is a milestone in management sciences.
  3. His academic research spans strategy, management science and systems engineering.
  4. He teaches political science at the Lahore University of Management Sciences.
  5. The analytic techniques include Statistics, Management Science and Operations Research.


  1. "management rules"の例文
  2. "management scheme"の例文
  3. "management school"の例文
  4. "management science"の例文
  5. "management science and engineering"の例文
  6. "management sciences for health"の例文
  7. "management scientist"の例文
  8. "management scientists"の例文
  9. "management section"の例文
  10. "management seminar"の例文
  11. "management science"の例文
  12. "management science and engineering"の例文
  13. "management sciences for health"の例文
  14. "management scientist"の例文

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