material economicsの例文


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  1. A subsequent book, " Raw Material Economics : A NORM Primer " was published in 1982.
  2. This volume is still in print and updates the status of raw material economics into the mid-1980s.
  3. Delphy analyzes inequalities between men and women as rooted in a material economic basis, specifically the domestic relations of production.
  4. Although the Western nations had given nominal political support to the East, they failed to come through with material economic support.
  5. Mentoring under Carl Wilken, Walters became the consummate reference source on Raw Material Economics and the foremost authority about the raw materials equation.


  1. "material distribution"の例文
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  5. "material division"の例文
  6. "material economy"の例文
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  9. "material effects"の例文
  10. "material efficiency"の例文
  11. "material distributor"の例文
  12. "material division"の例文
  13. "material economy"の例文
  14. "material editor"の例文

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