memory addressingの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Related goals included greater memory addressing capability and increased reliability.
  2. The last three register pairs are used as pointer registers for memory addressing.
  3. Memory addressing on the two architectures was also different.
  4. Buck showed that a ferroelectric switch could be useful to perform memory addressing.
  5. Instructions locate these available items with register indexes ( or names ) and memory addressing modes.


  1. "memory address register"の例文
  2. "memory address register storage"の例文
  3. "memory address selector"の例文
  4. "memory address space"の例文
  5. "memory address translation"の例文
  6. "memory addressing mode"の例文
  7. "memory addressing modes"の例文
  8. "memory aid"の例文
  9. "memory aids"の例文
  10. "memory alignment"の例文
  11. "memory address space"の例文
  12. "memory address translation"の例文
  13. "memory addressing mode"の例文
  14. "memory addressing modes"の例文

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