memory areaの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Memory area outside the segment cannot be accessed by a program.
  2. When a program is started, the free memory areas are long and contiguous.
  3. These memory areas are called " segments " in Intel terminology.
  4. It uses a shared memory area to communicate between the processes.
  5. A final " sweep " of the memory areas then frees white objects.


  1. "memory and resource management"の例文
  2. "memory and social interactions"の例文
  3. "memory and trauma"の例文
  4. "memory apparatus"の例文
  5. "memory architecture"の例文
  6. "memory arena"の例文
  7. "memory arrangement"の例文
  8. "memory array"の例文
  9. "memory array redcode simulator"の例文
  10. "memory arrays"の例文
  11. "memory apparatus"の例文
  12. "memory architecture"の例文
  13. "memory arena"の例文
  14. "memory arrangement"の例文

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