memory arrayの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6
  1. It implemented a TTL bus to which memory array modules were connected.
  2. The memory array modules were installed in a dedicated backplane separate from the NMI backplane.
  3. The memory array was scanned once to store all 1 s in the memory elements.
  4. It uses dense two-dimensional memory arrays to store large multiple-input multiple-output LUTs.
  5. The memory was controlled by the M Box, which also provided the memory array bus used to access the memory.


  1. "memory apparatus"の例文
  2. "memory architecture"の例文
  3. "memory area"の例文
  4. "memory arena"の例文
  5. "memory arrangement"の例文
  6. "memory array redcode simulator"の例文
  7. "memory arrays"の例文
  8. "memory attaching"の例文
  9. "memory attribute"の例文
  10. "memory available"の例文
  11. "memory arena"の例文
  12. "memory arrangement"の例文
  13. "memory array redcode simulator"の例文
  14. "memory arrays"の例文

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