metasequoia occidentalisの例文


  1. The Eocene dawn redwood " Metasequoia occidentalis " is the Oregon state fossil.
  2. Throughout the Tertiary period " Glyptostrobus " was a major component of northern forests in lowland and swampy areas, where in many places it coexisted with " Metasequoia occidentalis ".
  3. Large petrified trunks and stumps of the extinct " Metasequoia occidentalis " ( sometimes identified as " Sequoia occidentalis " ) also make up the major portion of Tertiary fossil plant material in the badlands of western North Dakota.


  1. "metasepia"の例文
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  11. "metasequoia foxii"の例文
  12. "metasequoia glyptostroboides"の例文
  13. "metasequoias"の例文
  14. "metaseries"の例文

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