mistake it forの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Everyone who looks at that corner mistakes it for a spotlight.
  2. But don't mistake it for the voice of reason.
  3. You must be mistaking it for another of the same name.
  4. You could never mistake it for anything other than a pony car.
  5. Don't mistake it for well-told history, though.


  1. "mistake in communication"の例文
  2. "mistake in english law"の例文
  3. "mistake in judgment"の例文
  4. "mistake in programming"の例文
  5. "mistake island"の例文
  6. "mistake of fact"の例文
  7. "mistake of facts"の例文
  8. "mistake of law"の例文
  9. "mistake on the lake"の例文
  10. "mistake out"の例文
  11. "mistake in programming"の例文
  12. "mistake island"の例文
  13. "mistake of fact"の例文
  14. "mistake of facts"の例文

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