mistake on the lakeの例文


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  1. In Cleveland, no less, the mistake on the lake.
  2. The mistake on the lake must be Art Modell,
  3. No longer the Mistake on the Lake, Cleveland proved it can skate.
  4. Its reputation as the " mistake on the lake " worked against it.
  5. No longer do they play in a ball park known as the Mistake on the Lake.


  1. "mistake island"の例文
  2. "mistake it for"の例文
  3. "mistake of fact"の例文
  4. "mistake of facts"の例文
  5. "mistake of law"の例文
  6. "mistake out"の例文
  7. "mistake proofing"の例文
  8. "mistake river"の例文
  9. "mistake the way"の例文
  10. "mistake to identity"の例文
  11. "mistake of facts"の例文
  12. "mistake of law"の例文
  13. "mistake out"の例文
  14. "mistake proofing"の例文

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