mistake the wayの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. It was an individual mistake the way Scotland scored their goal,
  2. It was a mistake the way it was handled.
  3. Nor can any club afford to make mistakes the way the Yankees can.
  4. They do not yet know how to cover mistakes the way professional players can.
  5. It was a mistake the way it happened,


  1. "mistake of law"の例文
  2. "mistake on the lake"の例文
  3. "mistake out"の例文
  4. "mistake proofing"の例文
  5. "mistake river"の例文
  6. "mistake to identity"の例文
  7. "mistake was made by me"の例文
  8. "mistake what"の例文
  9. "mistakeless"の例文
  10. "mistaken"の例文
  11. "mistake proofing"の例文
  12. "mistake river"の例文
  13. "mistake to identity"の例文
  14. "mistake was made by me"の例文

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