mistake to identityの例文


  1. The case has been the subject of much criticism in failing to effectively clarify the area of mistake to identity.
  2. That would mean that in all cases of mistake to identity, contracts would be voidable, rather than immediately void.
  3. The court presumed that the seller intended to contract with the person in front of them, so the contract was not void for mistake to identity.
  4. ""'Cundy v Lindsay " "'( 1877 78 ) LR 3 App Cas 459 is an English contract law case on the subject of void for mistake to identity, where it is of crucial importance.
  5. Some lawyers argue that such a rule is at odds with subsequent cases of mistake to identity, such as " Phillips v Brooks ", where parties contracting face to face are merely voidable for fraud, protecting a third party buyer.


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  11. "mistake river"の例文
  12. "mistake the way"の例文
  13. "mistake was made by me"の例文
  14. "mistake what"の例文

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