modal approachの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. Railroad operations are the backbone of the company's multi-modal approach.
  2. Hence, treatment for C-PTSD requires a multi-modal approach.
  3. The generic term, integrative psychotherapy, can be used to describe any multi-modal approach which combines therapies.
  4. T-REX also is unique by combining light rail, highway, multi-modal approach to address some of the traffic problems.
  5. Body psychotherapy is one modality used in a multi-modal approach to treating psychological trauma, particularly PTSD and C-PTSD.


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  7. "modal auxiliary"の例文
  8. "modal auxiliary verb"の例文
  9. "modal auxiliary verbs"の例文
  10. "modal balancing"の例文
  11. "modal analysis"の例文
  12. "modal analysis method"の例文
  13. "modal auxiliaries"の例文
  14. "modal auxiliary"の例文

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