mouth widthの例文


  1. The length of the wider gulf is approximately of 80 km, mouth width-60 km.
  2. The mouth width and the lip thickness were estimated by the pattern and the skeletal craniofacial attributes of the associated area.
  3. This species is difficult to distinguish from the better-known frilled shark ( " C . anguineus " ), but is smaller at maturity and differs in several proportional measurements including head length and mouth width.
  4. Normalmensur is a rank of pipes based on an internal diameter of 155.5mm at 8 & prime; C ( the lowest note of the modern organ compass ) and a mouth width which is one-quarter of the circumference of such a pipe.


  1. "mouth ulcers"の例文
  2. "mouth up"の例文
  3. "mouth wash"の例文
  4. "mouth water"の例文
  5. "mouth watering"の例文
  6. "mouth with"の例文
  7. "mouth-filling"の例文
  8. "mouth-to-mouth resuscitation"の例文
  9. "mouth-to-mouth ventilation"の例文
  10. "mouthable"の例文
  11. "mouth water"の例文
  12. "mouth watering"の例文
  13. "mouth with"の例文
  14. "mouth-filling"の例文

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