my own wordsの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. "I'm a man of my own word.
  2. But now I feel I have to eat my own words.
  3. That ( in my own words ) I have gotten lazy.
  4. But some of it was " in my own words ".
  5. This entire draft was written using my own words and structure.


  1. "my own two feet"の例文
  2. "my own united states"の例文
  3. "my own urine"の例文
  4. "my own way"の例文
  5. "my own way home"の例文
  6. "my own worst enemy"の例文
  7. "my pain and sadness is more sad and painful than yours"の例文
  8. "my pal bob"の例文
  9. "my pal foot foot"の例文
  10. "my pal god"の例文
  11. "my own way"の例文
  12. "my own way home"の例文
  13. "my own worst enemy"の例文
  14. "my pain and sadness is more sad and painful than yours"の例文

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