- Malabar whistling thrush "'( " Myophonus horsfieldii " ) is a whistling thrush in the family Muscicapidae.
- A bird species, the Javan whistling thrush ( " Myophonus glaucinus " ), nests in the plants branches.
- The "'blue whistling thrush "'( " Myophonus caeruleus " ) is a whistling thrush present in the mountains of Central Asia, China and Southeast Asia.
- It is the first new bird to be discovered in Sri Lanka since 1868, when the Sri Lanka whistling thrush & mdash; then Ceylon whistling thrush & mdash; ( " Myophonus blighi " ) was discovered.
- At the time of the publication of the third edition of Howard and Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World in 2003, the genera " Myophonus ", " Alethe ", " Brachypteryx " and " Monticola " were included in Turdidae.