nature deficit disorderの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. They hope to address the problem of nature deficit disorder.
  2. Stranger danger has contributed to parents keeping children indoors, resulting in an alleged nature deficit disorder.
  3. She warns against viewing the cure to nature deficit disorder as an outward entity : " nature ".
  4. OpEPA has promoted the Children and Nature Movement focusing on breaking the cycle that produces Nature Deficit Disorder.
  5. These activities and lessons help address and mitigate " nature deficit disorder ", as well as encourage healthier lifestyles.


  1. "nature conservation review site"の例文
  2. "nature control"の例文
  3. "nature cure"の例文
  4. "nature cure hospital"の例文
  5. "nature dance"の例文
  6. "nature deities"の例文
  7. "nature deity"の例文
  8. "nature detectives"の例文
  9. "nature disaster"の例文
  10. "nature disasters"の例文
  11. "nature cure hospital"の例文
  12. "nature dance"の例文
  13. "nature deities"の例文
  14. "nature deity"の例文

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