

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. In Cameroon ( 1992-1996 ) he served as Project Director of the Ngaoundere Dairy Project.
  2. The flame of hope will visit every qualifier race notably in Ngaoundere, then move to relay division.
  3. President Paul Biya also appointed him as Chairman of the Board of the University of Ngaoundere on 10 September 2005.
  4. While a true dry port, the railway station in Ngaoundere lacks the appropriate infrastructure for the storage of fresh food.
  5. The second railway to be built in Cameroon was the long Douala Nkongsamba railway, also known as the Northern Railway ( ), and the third was the Douala Ngaoundere railway, also known as the Central Railway ( ).


  1. "ngao district"の例文
  2. "ngao river"の例文
  3. "ngaoubela"の例文
  4. "ngaoui"の例文
  5. "ngaoundal"の例文
  6. "ngaoundere plateau"の例文
  7. "ngap"の例文
  8. "ngap sayot"の例文
  9. "ngapa"の例文
  10. "ngapala"の例文
  11. "ngaoui"の例文
  12. "ngaoundal"の例文
  13. "ngaoundere plateau"の例文
  14. "ngap"の例文

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