

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. But Cope was a noncontract employee.
  2. The flight attendants are negotiating for stock ownership in the company, which the pilots, machinists and noncontract workers already have.
  3. Only a small portion _ 5 to 25 percent, depending on the particular union _ goes to noncontract-related purposes like political campaigns.
  4. The memo outlined the state requirements for notifying contract and noncontract workers that their jobs could be eliminated, but noted that advance notice might not be required in some instances.
  5. He is betting that buyers of natural gas, mainly pipelines and utilities, which have relied for years on low prices in the noncontract, " spot " market, increasingly will find themselves pinched by shortages . . . and higher prices.


  1. "noncontingent"の例文
  2. "noncontinguous"の例文
  3. "noncontinuity"の例文
  4. "noncontinuous"の例文
  5. "noncontraband"の例文
  6. "noncontracted"の例文
  7. "noncontractible"の例文
  8. "noncontractile"の例文
  9. "noncontracting"の例文
  10. "noncontracting grammar"の例文
  11. "noncontinuous"の例文
  12. "noncontraband"の例文
  13. "noncontracted"の例文
  14. "noncontractible"の例文

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