

  1. The characteristic structural features of this family are a nonenveloped head and noncontractile tail.
  2. Of the tailed phages, about 57 percent have long, noncontractile tails ( Siphoviridae ).
  3. The Myoviridae have long tails that are contractile; the Podoviridae have short noncontractile tails; and the Siphoviridae have long noncontractile tails.
  4. The Myoviridae have long tails that are contractile; the Podoviridae have short noncontractile tails; and the Siphoviridae have long noncontractile tails.
  5. Extrafusal muscle fibers are not to be confused with intrafusal muscle fibers, which are innervated by sensory nerve endings in central noncontractile parts and by gamma motor neurons in contractile ends and thus serve as a sensory proprioceptor.


  1. "noncontinuous"の例文
  2. "noncontraband"の例文
  3. "noncontract"の例文
  4. "noncontracted"の例文
  5. "noncontractible"の例文
  6. "noncontracting"の例文
  7. "noncontracting grammar"の例文
  8. "noncontractual"の例文
  9. "noncontradiction"の例文
  10. "noncontradictory"の例文
  11. "noncontracted"の例文
  12. "noncontractible"の例文
  13. "noncontracting"の例文
  14. "noncontracting grammar"の例文

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