not in heavenの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
  1. Not here and not in heaven, " he said.
  2. "It's because we're not in heaven.
  3. Groups like P . M . Dawn see God as not in heaven but here on earth.
  4. She assures him that she is not in heaven and not to expect to go there himself.
  5. But for now, the future is at stake _ not in heaven but here, among men.


  1. "not in contact"の例文
  2. "not in contract"の例文
  3. "not in dictionary"の例文
  4. "not in excess of"の例文
  5. "not in front of the children"の例文
  6. "not in it"の例文
  7. "not in kansas anymore"の例文
  8. "not in love"の例文
  9. "not in love at all"の例文
  10. "not in my airforce"の例文
  11. "not in excess of"の例文
  12. "not in front of the children"の例文
  13. "not in it"の例文
  14. "not in kansas anymore"の例文

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