

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Patients with spina bifida occulta have an increased risk for spondylolysis.
  2. This is sometimes referred to as spina bifida occulta.
  3. The lyrics were contributed by JarosBaw Szubrycht, the vocalist for Lux Occulta.
  4. Some of the bands that have heralded and helped the cause are Decapitated and Lux Occulta.
  5. She also suffered from spina bifida occulta, but may have been unaware of the condition.


  1. "occult studies"の例文
  2. "occult symbolism"の例文
  3. "occult symbols"の例文
  4. "occult tarot"の例文
  5. "occult wars"の例文
  6. "occultans"の例文
  7. "occultation"の例文
  8. "occultation of saturn"の例文
  9. "occultation of star"の例文
  10. "occultation of stars"の例文
  11. "occult tarot"の例文
  12. "occult wars"の例文
  13. "occultans"の例文
  14. "occultation"の例文

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