

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Iran is isolated, Israel and the Saudi oilfields are secure.
  2. Growth in each of our oilfield services businesses continued to accelerate,
  3. Doctors and lawyers work alongside cowboys and oilfield drillers and welders.
  4. This decade brought a reminder that foreign oilfields have their risks.
  5. The pipeline is owned by Changqing Oilfield, a Shaanxi company.


  1. "oilette"の例文
  2. "oileus"の例文
  3. "oilex"の例文
  4. "oilexco"の例文
  5. "oiley"の例文
  6. "oilfield chemicals"の例文
  7. "oilfield chemistry"の例文
  8. "oilfield construction"の例文
  9. "oilfield development"の例文
  10. "oilfield development plan"の例文
  11. "oilexco"の例文
  12. "oiley"の例文
  13. "oilfield chemicals"の例文
  14. "oilfield chemistry"の例文

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