on the first attemptの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Slesarenko, Cloete and Styopina each cleared the height on the first attempt.
  2. It was solved by six of seven birds on the first attempt.
  3. When asked if he hurt himself on the first attempt, Heinze laughed.
  4. On 17 September 1950 a pair of wire on the first attempt.
  5. P . In鋌nit accompanied them on the first attempt from the south-east ridge.


  1. "on the film"の例文
  2. "on the fine arts"の例文
  3. "on the fire"の例文
  4. "on the firing line"の例文
  5. "on the first"の例文
  6. "on the first beat"の例文
  7. "on the first bound"の例文
  8. "on the first day"の例文
  9. "on the first day of christmas"の例文
  10. "on the first face"の例文
  11. "on the firing line"の例文
  12. "on the first"の例文
  13. "on the first beat"の例文
  14. "on the first bound"の例文

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