optimal planningの例文


  1. SWITCH is an optimal planning model for power systems with large shares of renewable energy.
  2. Under the optimal planning scheme, a property was purchased only if it was identified as essential in the plan.
  3. This development was seen as the basis for moving toward optimal planning that could form the basis of a more highly developed form of socialist economy based on informational decentralization and innovation.
  4. The Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System ( SAROPS ) and the Norwegian SAR model compute the net trajectory of search objects and provide a probability density area based upon Monte Carlo methods.
  5. "' Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System ( SAROPS ) "'is a comprehensive search and rescue ( SAR ) planning system used by the United States Coast Guard in the planning and execution of almost all SAR cases in and around the United States and the Caribbean.


  1. "optimal period"の例文
  2. "optimal personality trait"の例文
  3. "optimal personality traits"の例文
  4. "optimal ph"の例文
  5. "optimal placement"の例文
  6. "optimal planning in power system"の例文
  7. "optimal plans"の例文
  8. "optimal plant size"の例文
  9. "optimal play"の例文
  10. "optimal point"の例文
  11. "optimal ph"の例文
  12. "optimal placement"の例文
  13. "optimal planning in power system"の例文
  14. "optimal plans"の例文

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