or ratherの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. oil sands or rather i should say tar sands
    オイルサンド— いやむしろタールサンドと言うべきです
  2. or rather , a zombielike person suddenly ...
    っていうか ゾンビみたいなのが いきなり...。
  3. or rather , i should say that's not the right answer .
    っていうか 違ってたんだけど。
  4. note the handwriting , or rather , the handwritings .
  5. note the handwriting , or rather , the handwritings .


  1. "or otherwise"の例文
  2. "or over"の例文
  3. "or pearls before swine"の例文
  4. "or people will wonder"の例文
  5. "or perhaps i should say"の例文
  6. "or rather i should say"の例文
  7. "or relationship"の例文
  8. "or so"の例文
  9. "or so someone thought"の例文
  10. "or people will wonder"の例文
  11. "or perhaps i should say"の例文
  12. "or rather i should say"の例文
  13. "or relationship"の例文

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