oxygen 16の例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Air, soil and water contain mostly oxygen 16 ( 16 O ).
  2. Because oxygen 16 is lighter, water molecules that contain it evaporate more readily.
  3. Water contains both oxygen 16, which is common, and the heavier isotope oxygen 18.
  4. Jahren's analysis of the wood suggests that the water contained almost exclusively oxygen 16.
  5. Further studies were carried out with Oxygen 16 and Iron 56, and these experiments also showed the same short tracks.


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  5. "oxygen"の例文
  6. "oxygen 18"の例文
  7. "oxygen 3"の例文
  8. "oxygen absorbed"の例文
  9. "oxygen absorber"の例文
  10. "oxygen absorption"の例文
  11. "oxygala"の例文
  12. "oxygen"の例文
  13. "oxygen 18"の例文
  14. "oxygen 3"の例文

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