oxygen isotopesの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The oxygen isotope ratios in their shells are used as proxies for temperature.
  2. The liquid-vapor equilibrium fractionations for hydrogen and oxygen isotopes are temperature-dependent:
  3. Fossil oxygen isotopes, which can reveal an organism's body temperature, should be particularly informative.
  4. It produced water enriched with heavy oxygen isotopes commonly used in medical diagnostic procedures.
  5. He also collaborated with Harold Urey on separating oxygen isotopes.


  1. "oxygen isotope composition"の例文
  2. "oxygen isotope ratio"の例文
  3. "oxygen isotope ratio cycle"の例文
  4. "oxygen isotope record"の例文
  5. "oxygen isotope stage"の例文
  6. "oxygen jet"の例文
  7. "oxygen jet steel"の例文
  8. "oxygen lance"の例文
  9. "oxygen lancing"の例文
  10. "oxygen laser"の例文
  11. "oxygen isotope record"の例文
  12. "oxygen isotope stage"の例文
  13. "oxygen jet"の例文
  14. "oxygen jet steel"の例文

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