performance provisionの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. Molson executives will also have all performance provisions on their share units and stock options eliminated.
  2. The agreement states that the courts have the power to order a season to be played under a specific performance provision.
  3. The new arrangement apparently includes performance provisions to give the European buyers some assurance about the revenue they will receive from their investments in Sprint.
  4. The incentives range from $ 600, 000 for reaching certain play-time and performance provisions to an extra $ 600, 000 if he makes two Pro Bowls in his first five years.
  5. Indeed, many contracts now contain performance provisions " so that an operator can be removed if he doesn't reach certain income levels, " said James Eyster, a professor at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration.


  1. "performance profiling"の例文
  2. "performance projection"の例文
  3. "performance propellers"の例文
  4. "performance propellers usa"の例文
  5. "performance proper"の例文
  6. "performance psychology"の例文
  7. "performance qualification"の例文
  8. "performance quality"の例文
  9. "performance quota"の例文
  10. "performance racing"の例文
  11. "performance propellers usa"の例文
  12. "performance proper"の例文
  13. "performance psychology"の例文
  14. "performance qualification"の例文

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