

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. The three reading rooms are respectively called Olivieri, Passeri, and Perticari.
  2. At the head of the Lombard school were Monti and his son-in-law Count Giulio Perticari.
  3. The church housed tombs for many of the prominent families of Pesaro, including the Almerici, Antaldi, Baldassini, Gavardini, and Perticari.
  4. The stones are on display at the Biblioteca Oliveriana, a Library and Museum in Pesaro housing the collections of Annibale degli Abati Olivieri, Giovanni Battista Passeri, and Giulio Perticari.
  5. Perticari, whose intellect was inferior, narrowed and exacerbated the question in two treatises, " Degli scrittori del Trecento " and " Dell'amor patrio di Dante ".


  1. "perthville"の例文
  2. "perti"の例文
  3. "pertica"の例文
  4. "pertica quadrifaria"の例文
  5. "perticara"の例文
  6. "perticarini"の例文
  7. "perticaroli"の例文
  8. "perticone"の例文
  9. "pertierra"の例文
  10. "pertiga"の例文
  11. "pertica quadrifaria"の例文
  12. "perticara"の例文
  13. "perticarini"の例文
  14. "perticaroli"の例文

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