

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Of more pertinence are his summer exploits in the United States.
  2. To Teamsters officials, that precept has little pertinence here.
  3. But I guess you could see some pertinence to America.
  4. We clearly disagree as to the fairness and pertinence of my comments.
  5. Any insight into his career has pertinence for the history of American art.


  1. "pertinaciously"の例文
  2. "pertinacities"の例文
  3. "pertinacity"の例文
  4. "pertinant"の例文
  5. "pertinax"の例文
  6. "pertinences"の例文
  7. "pertinencies"の例文
  8. "pertinency"の例文
  9. "pertinent"の例文
  10. "pertinent comments"の例文
  11. "pertinant"の例文
  12. "pertinax"の例文
  13. "pertinences"の例文
  14. "pertinencies"の例文

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