pigeon breastの例文


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  1. Then he squared his shoulders and his pouter-pigeon breast swelled.
  2. The menu is kept secret until the guests walk in _ this year it included salmon, lobster and pigeon breast.
  3. Terrine of young grouse, pigeon breast with honey and ginger, and partridges with cabbage are going to be pretty hard going.
  4. One hypothesis involving succinate, fumarate, and malate proved to be useful because all these molecules increased oxygen consumption in the pigeon breast muscle.
  5. The way the models'heads looked, small and bobbing above these enormous inflated pigeon breast, it was almost the reverse effect of seeing a pumped-up bodybuilder in a pair of tiny briefs.


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  6. "pigeon breasts"の例文
  7. "pigeon breed"の例文
  8. "pigeon breeds"の例文
  9. "pigeon bush railway station"の例文
  10. "pigeon cage"の例文
  11. "pigeon blood"の例文
  12. "pigeon blue"の例文
  13. "pigeon breasts"の例文
  14. "pigeon breed"の例文

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