pigeon droppingssの例文


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  1. Olly arrives late and gets covered in pigeon droppings in Trafalgar Square.
  2. The cave was full of pigeon droppings and nests.
  3. Council were particularly concerned about pigeon droppings eroding the facades of historical buildings.
  4. She said prison officials had been responding to complaints about pigeon droppings from employees and inmates.
  5. Comptroller Fred Parola cited crumbling platforms, exposed electrical wiring, pigeon droppings and other debris.


  1. "pigeon cove"の例文
  2. "pigeon creek"の例文
  3. "pigeon detectives"の例文
  4. "pigeon drop"の例文
  5. "pigeon droppings"の例文
  6. "pigeon egg"の例文
  7. "pigeon egg strategy"の例文
  8. "pigeon eggs"の例文
  9. "pigeon english"の例文
  10. "pigeon fancier"の例文
  11. "pigeon drop"の例文
  12. "pigeon droppings"の例文
  13. "pigeon egg"の例文
  14. "pigeon egg strategy"の例文

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