

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Sat around, laughed, told stories and pigged out.
  2. We went for soul food afterward, pigged out.
  3. The last time he pigged out?
  4. If the pipeline contains butterfly valves, or reduced port ball valves, the pipeline cannot be pigged.
  5. An Iranian judo player pigged out at the buffet table and missed weight in order to avoid facing an Israeli.


  1. "pigg river"の例文
  2. "piggabeen"の例文
  3. "piggate"の例文
  4. "piggate scandal"の例文
  5. "pigge"の例文
  6. "pigged out"の例文
  7. "piggeries"の例文
  8. "piggery"の例文
  9. "piggie"の例文
  10. "piggies"の例文
  11. "piggate scandal"の例文
  12. "pigge"の例文
  13. "pigged out"の例文
  14. "piggeries"の例文

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