

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. Stuart Piggin notes that Lee " exuberantly led the resurgence of Reformed theology among Queensland Presbyterians ."
  2. The most important member of the firm in many ways, though, appears to be their managing clerk, an " old " bachelor named Horace Piggin.
  3. In a rather Dan Ratheresque moment, Brokaw conceded that a lot of what America was hearing sounded like " piggin English, " a quite appropriate mispronunciation.
  4. Cragin made a specialty type measure called a " piggin ", which was a small wooden pail with a handle formed by continuing one of the staves above the rim.
  5. The macho side of the story is told in Diggin'In and Piggin'Out : The Truth About Food and Men, by Roger Welsch ( HarperCollins; $ 23 ).


  1. "piggeries"の例文
  2. "piggery"の例文
  3. "piggie"の例文
  4. "piggies"の例文
  5. "piggiest"の例文
  6. "pigging"の例文
  7. "pigging frequency"の例文
  8. "pigging out"の例文
  9. "pigging station"の例文
  10. "pigging system"の例文
  11. "piggies"の例文
  12. "piggiest"の例文
  13. "pigging"の例文
  14. "pigging frequency"の例文

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