pitch bendの例文


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  1. It can also be used for pitch bends, spin downs, and juggling.
  2. "Musically speaking that would be like pitch bends, or vibrato, " he says.
  3. It also had an LFO, and a pitch bend / master tuning knob.
  4. The Pitch Bend Wheel has no equivalent on the MG-1.
  5. Unlike the HZ-600, the pitch bend range was not selectable.


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  4. "pitch based fiber"の例文
  5. "pitch behavior"の例文
  6. "pitch bend range"の例文
  7. "pitch bend wheel"の例文
  8. "pitch bending"の例文
  9. "pitch black"の例文
  10. "pitch black afro"の例文
  11. "pitch based fiber"の例文
  12. "pitch behavior"の例文
  13. "pitch bend range"の例文
  14. "pitch bend wheel"の例文

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