pitch errorの例文


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  1. On the contrary the " level " zero fret will have no pitch errors on the fingered notes.
  2. Astacio said with a resigned smile at the suggestion the Dodgers starters have had to pitch error-free of late.
  3. A conventional nut or an elevated zero fret will cause pitch errors on the lower frets due to the increased pressure on the strings.
  4. This will cause the stylus to ride non-tangentially in the groove and cause a stereo phase error as well as pitch error everytime the stylus rides over the warp.
  5. This temporal dependency is inherent to digital recording and playback and has no analog equivalent, though analog systems have their own temporal distortion effects ( pitch error and wow-and-flutter ).


  1. "pitch drop"の例文
  2. "pitch drop experiment"の例文
  3. "pitch earth"の例文
  4. "pitch edge"の例文
  5. "pitch element"の例文
  6. "pitch face"の例文
  7. "pitch fan"の例文
  8. "pitch fee"の例文
  9. "pitch feed"の例文
  10. "pitch following"の例文
  11. "pitch edge"の例文
  12. "pitch element"の例文
  13. "pitch face"の例文
  14. "pitch fan"の例文

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