plant powerの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. Her name is a play on the word chloroplast, relating to her plant powers.
  2. The propulsion plant power of 42, 000 shp allowed only a 23 knot speed.
  3. In sum, the plants power around 900, 000 homes.
  4. The Vegan Festival in Ho Chi Minh City takes place under the name Plant Power Celebration.
  5. At night, when only the biomass power is available, the plant power capacity is 12 MW e.


  1. "plant poisoning"の例文
  2. "plant poisonings"の例文
  3. "plant population"の例文
  4. "plant population ecology"の例文
  5. "plant pot"の例文
  6. "plant practice"の例文
  7. "plant predator"の例文
  8. "plant predators"の例文
  9. "plant preparation"の例文
  10. "plant preparations"の例文
  11. "plant population ecology"の例文
  12. "plant pot"の例文
  13. "plant practice"の例文
  14. "plant predator"の例文

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