plant predatorの例文


  1. The plant, including the spadix, contains needle-shaped crystals of calcium oxalate known as raphides that are believed to be a defense mechanism against plant predators that can tear and damage the mucus membranes of the throat or esophagus.


  1. "plant population"の例文
  2. "plant population ecology"の例文
  3. "plant pot"の例文
  4. "plant power"の例文
  5. "plant practice"の例文
  6. "plant predators"の例文
  7. "plant preparation"の例文
  8. "plant preparations"の例文
  9. "plant press"の例文
  10. "plant process"の例文
  11. "plant power"の例文
  12. "plant practice"の例文
  13. "plant predators"の例文
  14. "plant preparation"の例文

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