

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Hello, policies and plasticized mission statements and annual appraisal forms.
  2. From the plastic divider stared a plasticized photo of the driver.
  3. Direct dry plasticizing yields fatter, drier cheese with superior taste.
  4. Marc Jacobs put together all that bright plasticized luggage for Louis Vuitton.
  5. Plasticizers contribute 10-60 % of total weight of plasticized products.


  1. "plasticizer"の例文
  2. "plasticizer migration"の例文
  3. "plasticizer resin"の例文
  4. "plasticizers"の例文
  5. "plasticizes"の例文
  6. "plasticizing agent"の例文
  7. "plastick"の例文
  8. "plasticky"の例文
  9. "plasticland"の例文
  10. "plasticlike"の例文
  11. "plasticizers"の例文
  12. "plasticizes"の例文
  13. "plasticizing agent"の例文
  14. "plastick"の例文

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