

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. Bengt Pohjanen is a trilingual author from the Torne Valley.
  2. Pohjanen retired from football aged 27 to start a new career as a pop singer.
  3. After the 2000 season, Pohjanen considered retiring from football to concentrate on her music.
  4. In 1999 Pohjanen was in a relationship with professional National Hockey League ( NHL ) player Mats Lindgren.
  5. Anna Pohjanen was ejected and under Olympic rules will miss the next match against the United States on Tuesday.


  1. "pohjakallio"の例文
  2. "pohjalainen"の例文
  3. "pohjalaisia"の例文
  4. "pohjamaa"の例文
  5. "pohjamo"の例文
  6. "pohjanheimo"の例文
  7. "pohjanhovi"の例文
  8. "pohjanmaa"の例文
  9. "pohjannaula"の例文
  10. "pohjanpalo"の例文
  11. "pohjamaa"の例文
  12. "pohjamo"の例文
  13. "pohjanheimo"の例文
  14. "pohjanhovi"の例文

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