policies and mechanismsの例文


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  1. Separation of policy and mechanism mitigates such conflicts.
  2. Per Brinch Hansen introduced the concept of separation of policy and mechanism in operating systems in the RC 4000 multiprogramming system.
  3. How an extended enterprise is organized and structured and its policies and mechanisms for the exchange of information, goods, services and money is described by the enterprise architecture.
  4. She has addressed the UN General Assembly two times ., the UN Security Council once, and the UN Human Rights Council once to advocate for policies and mechanisms to support victims of trafficking.
  5. Besides this French connection, he said the former head of state Isabel Per髇 and former ministers Carlos Ruckauf and Antonio Cafiero, who signed the " anti-subversion decrees " before Videla's 1976 coup d'閠at, had set up the policy and mechanism for state terrorism.


  1. "policiers"の例文
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  8. "policies for a sustainable society"の例文
  9. "policies of nixon"の例文
  10. "policies of science and technology"の例文
  11. "policies and guidelines of wikipedia"の例文
  12. "policies and laws"の例文
  13. "policies and procedures"の例文
  14. "policies and regulations"の例文

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