politische abteilungの例文


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  1. Later he was assigned to the Politische Abteilung ( camp Gestapo ) in the main camp.
  2. The Politische Abteilung also handled the police work of the camps, again dividing up this work into specific subdivisions.
  3. As of summer 1936, the " Politische Abteilung " ( Political department ) was a compulsory part of the concentration camp command structure.
  4. Under Theodor Eicke, the Inspector of Concentration Camps, Tamaschke rose to become head of the Politische Abteilung in the Concentration Camps Inspectorate ( CCI ).


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  10. "politisk revy"の例文
  11. "politis"の例文
  12. "politische"の例文
  13. "politische theologie"の例文
  14. "politischer"の例文

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