

  1. He graduated from the law faculty of Azerbaijan State University in 1949, and earned a doctorate in political science and philosophy at the Moscow Institute of Law in 1969 . From 1952 to 1961 he was an editor at the publisher Politizdat, where he began writing books ( one of his first was " Burzhuaznoe gosudartsvo v epokhu imperializma " ( " The Bourgeois State in an Age of Imperialism " ), 1955 ).


  1. "politisches"の例文
  2. "politisk revy"の例文
  3. "polititian"の例文
  4. "politiwoops"の例文
  5. "politization"の例文
  6. "politize"の例文
  7. "politized"の例文
  8. "politkin"の例文
  9. "politkofsky"の例文
  10. "politkovskaja"の例文
  11. "politiwoops"の例文
  12. "politization"の例文
  13. "politize"の例文
  14. "politized"の例文

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