premium baseの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. SFAC will charge premiums based on the exporters'business status.
  2. McDonnell Douglas workers historically have contributed to premiums based upon their salary.
  3. Higher wage workers pay a premium based on their salary.
  4. What I want is realistic premiums, not premiums based simply on zip codes.
  5. The offer is at a 22 percent premium based on Tuesday's closing prices.


  1. "premium amortization"の例文
  2. "premium and deductible"の例文
  3. "premium apportionment"の例文
  4. "premium assessment"の例文
  5. "premium association"の例文
  6. "premium bitter"の例文
  7. "premium blend"の例文
  8. "premium bond"の例文
  9. "premium bonds"の例文
  10. "premium bonus"の例文
  11. "premium assessment"の例文
  12. "premium association"の例文
  13. "premium bitter"の例文
  14. "premium blend"の例文

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