pressure from public opinionの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. The Austrian government is under severe pressure from public opinion.
  2. That is why we are not anymore under pressure from public opinion in Iraq.
  3. At the time, Fujimori was under pressure from public opinion and other governments, including Washington, to fire the spymaster.
  4. Heavy pressure from public opinion forced the Company to give up its 12-hour day and adopt the standard eight-hour day.
  5. And " I think the pressure from public opinion here would be in favor of doing anything he can to prevent a strike,"


  1. "pressure forging"の例文
  2. "pressure former"の例文
  3. "pressure forming"の例文
  4. "pressure fracture"の例文
  5. "pressure frequency response"の例文
  6. "pressure front"の例文
  7. "pressure fryer"の例文
  8. "pressure frying"の例文
  9. "pressure fuel"の例文
  10. "pressure fuel oil"の例文
  11. "pressure fracture"の例文
  12. "pressure frequency response"の例文
  13. "pressure front"の例文
  14. "pressure fryer"の例文

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