pressure frontの例文


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  1. There were pretty bad winds on the 29th because of a low-pressure front.
  2. The storms, spawned by unseasonable low-pressure fronts, were expected to clear the peninsula Sunday.
  3. :Because this implies a low pressure front has moved in, which generally means lower temperatures, too.
  4. "( Then ) low pressure fronts rolling in caused some very strong cross-seas, " he said.
  5. On the weekend of October 3 5, 2015, a massive low pressure front settled over Charleston.


  1. "pressure former"の例文
  2. "pressure forming"の例文
  3. "pressure fracture"の例文
  4. "pressure frequency response"の例文
  5. "pressure from public opinion"の例文
  6. "pressure fryer"の例文
  7. "pressure frying"の例文
  8. "pressure fuel"の例文
  9. "pressure fuel oil"の例文
  10. "pressure fuel system"の例文
  11. "pressure frequency response"の例文
  12. "pressure from public opinion"の例文
  13. "pressure fryer"の例文
  14. "pressure frying"の例文

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