promotion and marketing communicationsの例文


  1. She will also continue to be responsible for all promotion and marketing communications for the newspaper.
  2. Promotion and marketing communications is difficult comprehend, therefore considering it as a term that can be similar within each other is more simple.
  3. Alyse Myers, vice president for promotion and marketing communications at The New York Times, has been promoted to vice president for marketing services, effective immediately.


  1. "promotings"の例文
  2. "promotion"の例文
  3. "promotion a"の例文
  4. "promotion activities"の例文
  5. "promotion and advertising"の例文
  6. "promotion and relegation"の例文
  7. "promotion and tenure"の例文
  8. "promotion and transfer"の例文
  9. "promotion and transferring"の例文
  10. "promotion board"の例文
  11. "promotion activities"の例文
  12. "promotion and advertising"の例文
  13. "promotion and relegation"の例文
  14. "promotion and tenure"の例文

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